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PJC's Religious School  is a Special Place! 

  • We are a warm, inviting place.  Each Monday, when school meets, our children run into the building and into the youth lounge, where they are greeted with a snack before class, smiles from the teachers, and other friends.
  • Our classes meet once a week on Mondays from 4:15–6:15 pm.
  • Experiential education is a large component of our curriculum—from social action projects like shopping at Stop and Shop for food for the local food pantry to holiday celebrations with our community.
  • Our classes are small and often grouped by age.
  • Our formal Hebrew program begins in 3rd grade and students meet in chevruta (small groups) of 3-4 students and 1 teacher.
  • Students are grouped by ability rather than age, allowing students to work at their level.  The individualized attention our students receive prevents them from falling through the cracks.
  • We have our high school students serving as madrichim (assistants) and role models in the classrooms.
  • We have the best rabbi, Rabbi Alysa Mendelson, who is extremely hands on with our students—teaching our 7th graders, leading T’filah for our Religious School community and baking challah every Monday to end our Religious School Day.
  • We have a very competitive membership and religious school pricing
    structure, while still offering an incredible program for your children.

Questions?  Please don't hesitate to reach out to Lauren Chizner, Religious School Director at or 516-817-9576.

Project Days are always fun at Religious School!


Pictures From Our Last Day of an AMAZING Religious School Year


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784